We live in an ever-changing world, where the requirements of a growing global population need to be met and balanced with sustainability, efficiency and of course, environmental considerations.
In no field is the need for innovation more prevalent than in the energy space, and nowhere in the world performs above its means in this regard quite like we do here in Western Australia.
Energy is essential for the continued prosperity of the world as we know it, and the need to innovate and create is a global challenge – one being driven in many ways by the technology culture in our great state.
As an energy producer, Australia has contributed significantly to the global energy mix for many years. But the real source of pride, particularly for those of us in WA, should be in our ability to lead conversations around a better energy future.
Here are some of the reasons WA leads the conversation when it comes to energy innovation.
It’s in our culture
The energy industry in WA is a breeding ground for innovative trends around the globe. We’re at the forefront of a renewed focus on the transition to cleaner forms of energy, thanks to our local culture of innovation and the capability developed over years as a leader in energy production. That sort of culture creates networks of experts, whose combined power has the capability to develop solutions which will change the world. Whether it’s using the sun, the waves, the wind, or exploring cleaner ways of maximising our naturally endowed environment, our state is leading the way.
We’re thought leaders
With an array of major operators, contractors and supply chain innovators at our doorstep, many of the brightest minds in energy production call Perth home. We’re a hub for world leading technologies established and emerging, and when you put the brightest minds together it’s a given that the best ideas should also come to light.
Willingness to evolve with the times
Evolution is a given in any industry, but the rate of change seen in the energy space in recent years is remarkable, and a testament to an industry’s willingness to embrace new things and explore bigger and better ways of powering our world. In 2021 energy goes beyond just oil and gas – it’s a dynamic and fast-moving space where world-changing ideas are born and curated, and its led right here at home.
Supportive, established energy networks
With operators big and small all in the one place, it makes sense that the energy industry networks which exist in WA are as strong as in any place around the world. From your global companies with headquarters in Perth to the smaller operators meeting their supply chain needs, the whole industry is given a forum in Perth to come together each year and exhibit its wares, share ideas and lead the next iteration of energy generation.
That forum is the free-to-attend AOG Energy event, which celebrates 40 years in 2021 with a name change in recognition of the changing face of energy around the world. This year the conference and forum will continue to address the opportunities and challenges facing the energy industry, with a renewed focus on industry supply, local capability energy transition, hydrogen, subsea, and of course, innovation.
This article was first published on The West and republished here with permission.