11-13 Mar 2025 | Perth Convention & Exhibition Centre

Event Terms & Conditions

Event Safety Terms & Conditions 

Thank you for your interest in attending FoodTech Qld. We kindly ask that you take note of the changes to our Terms & Conditions of Entry below in line with our COVIDSafe Plan to ensure a safe and enjoyable show experience for everyone. 

  1. All attendees must register online with accurate contact information including name, contact number and email address, which in addition to being held in a secure database by the Organiser, will assist with contact tracing where required. 
  2. All attendees will undergo a bag and ID check for security purposes and to verify identification. If you are unable to present a valid ID on request, access to the event will be denied. 
  3. Exhibition badges will be issued at registration and must be worn at all times in the exhibition hall. All attendees will be scanned in and out of the exhibition halls to manage venue capacity and assist with contact tracing. 
  4. Please abide by barriers, signs, floor markings and verbal announcements to support physical distancing. 
  5. All attendees are encouraged to use the handwashing and sanitation stations provided to ensure good hand hygiene. Cough or sneeze into your arm or tissue and wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds afterwards. 
  6. We operate under venue guidelines – for the most current information regarding entry to the venue, read the Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre (GCCEC) COVID safety guidelines here.

We recommend that visitors also check the 
QLD Health and Australian Department of Health websites for the current public health advice prior to attending. 

Event Terms & Conditions

  1. FoodTech Qld is a strictly trade-only event. Entry is restricted to people working in the food/beverage manufacturing and processing, distribution, import/export, retail and food service markets. Proof of identification may be requested. Persons not in these categories will not be admitted at any time. Students enrolled in a relevant course at a tertiary level may attend the show if they have the appropriate student identity card. As a business event, the event is not recommended for children and students under the age of 15. This is for their own safety as there is cooking equipment in operation on the show floor that could potentially pose a hazard to children. Proof of age or industry involvement may be requested at the door. Due to OH&S, prams, strollers and trolleys (ie shopping trolleys) are strictly not permitted at the event. Under no circumstances are any children permitted into the exhibition halls during ‘move in’ and ‘move out’ of the show. The organiser takes no responsibility for any accidents or injuries onsite. 
  2. All visitors are required to register. The organisers will record your details in a secure database in order to produce a badge, generate statistics and to mail, email or SMS you information about this event and future Diversified Communications events. 
  3. We operate under venue guidelines – for the most current information regarding entry to the venue, read the Gold Coast Convention & Exhibition Centre COVID safety guidelines here.  
  4. Visitors agree they will not promote their products or services to exhibitors while attending the show. Visitors found in breach of this rule may be asked to leave the event immediately and be refused entry to future shows. 
  5. Visitors agree they will not photograph or video inside the venue without prior consent from the exhibitor or the organisers. Visitors found in breach of this rule may be asked to leave the event immediately and be refused entry to future shows. 
  6. By registering to attend FoodTech Qld 2022 or any associated event, you automatically consent to Diversified Communications using event photography and video in which you may appear for future marketing or promotional purposes. 
  7. We reserve the right to change, cancel or re-schedule any event without notification due to unforeseen circumstances. 
  8. Only entry into the exhibition is free with pre-registration.
  9. Poolside Welcome Drinks, Networking Drinks at HOTA, and Conference Tickets will be refunded or transferred to a future event should any of them be cancelled by the organisers. Tickets can be transferred to a colleague with written notice to the organisers. 
  10. We recommend that visitors also check the QLD Health and Australian Department of Health websites for the current public health advice prior to attending.


Collection Notice

The organisers will record your details in a secure database in order to produce a badge, generate statistics and to contact you via mail, email, SMS and social media channels with information about the show, future editions of the show and other shows that are relevant to you. Some exhibitors are equipped with scanning devices at the show, by allowing your badge to be scanned by individual exhibitors during the show, you agree to being communicated to by the individual exhibitor via mail, email or SMS.