Session Information
14-Mar, 10:00 - 10:15
Case Study: How Reality Capture models are transforming the way operators prepare for decommissioning, with remote access to their offshore assets in high definition.
Decommissioning Theatre
The decommissioning process of a retired offshore asset demands tactical planning, coordination, and execution, akin to military precision, for guaranteed success. Accurate knowledge of the asset's current condition is critical when making informed decisions. If the intelligence of an asset proves incorrect during execution, the consequences for adapting the strategy on tasks such as decontamination, access point identification, structural load points, lift and cut instructions, can quickly escalate and lead to significant cost overruns.
To mitigate potential risks, many major operators have entrusted the services of Airscope for creating a Reality Capture photogrammetry model of aging assets. The dimensionally accurate Digital Twin model is easily accessible on Airscope's browser-based SaaS platform, 'Visualize™.' This platform facilitates ‘on-site’ remote access, empowering detailed work pack planning and provides technical confidence throughout all stages of decommissioning and removal.