Tell Us About Your Products

Are you launching a new product? Hosting a giveaway on your stand? Making an exciting announcement? Tell us about your plans for AOG and wherever possible we will try to generate some free publicity for your company!

Are you exhibiting at AOG? We want to know what you’ll be showcasing so that we can help promote your involvement in the show. There are a number of channels where the information you submit can be promoted to attendees. Tell us some of the unique selling points of your products or service and an overview of why a potential client should choose your product.

Some things to consider:

  • Describe what your product/company does.
  • Will you be launching any new products at AOG?
  • Who would use your product?
  • Has your company or product won any awards?
  • How is your product/company special or different to your competitors?

Where will we use this information?
Your information may be shared on the AOG Industry News page, on Social Media or within our email campaign leading up to the show.

What is required?

  • 250-500 word article or product description,
  • High resolution images in JPEG/PNG format (minimum 1mb),
  • URL Link – where should we send readers to find out more?,
  • Byline (if required).

You can send the above information or contact Joanna at [email protected]

Please note, inclusion on the AOG blog, social media or eDM campaign is not guaranteed and is subject to availability. All submissions will be considered for wider pre-show marketing and PR opportunities, however, the more newsworthy and innovative your article is, the more likely it is to be included.

Where to next

Industry News

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