11-13 Mar 2025
Perth Convention & Exhibition Centre

Justify your trip to AOG 2016

Oct 8, 2015

Need to get company approval to attend?

We can help! If you are already anticipating management saying they don’t understand why you want to “attend another oil and gas event?”, we’ve put together some details to help you receive approval from your manager.

First off, The Australasian Oil and Gas Exhibition & Conference will allow you to network with key industry suppliers, commercial operators, industry associations, innovators and visionaries and meet face to face with over 500 exhibitors to discover the latest products, trends and services.

We’ve also prepared a document to help you justify your trip which you can download below. Fill in the missing areas to personalise the letter, and you’re all set.

[button link=’http://exaexpo.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Justify_your_visit_to_AOG_2016.docx’ text=’Download company approval letter’ new=’true’]



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